Welcome to the homepage of the Facebook group and page Gothiccommunity

To be able to join this group, a membership on Facebook is a prerequisite.
However, only here, on this page, is there the possibility to subscribe to a newsletter in order to stay informed about upcoming watch parties and changes to the group or page.

The Gothiccommunity on Facebook is used to exchange news from the scene and its distribution, gossip, post music, announce and advertise events, pictures & impressions of scene-related content, fashionable, stylish and cultural contributions, artworks, book tips, do-it-yourself instructions and much more. .

Bands or artists also have the opportunity to present / advertise their art in this community in the form of pictures, videos, pieces of music or a description.

We are characterized by a friendly, tolerant and respectful tone.
Discussions are completely normal, but should remain factual.

We also have themed days to offer

So if you like this community or you think there could be even more life there, you are welcome to invite your friends, acquaintances, life partners or loved ones you like there.

Spread the word

You can use this button to help you share the group with your friends and invite them:

and here like to mark or share the page with a "Like".

The next watch party will take place on August 8th, 2021 at 5 p.m.

is played: